ARTICLES OF Sophia Vahdati

Talking Trash
22 Oct, 2014 | Sophia Vahdati
As consumption increases with the growing population, will waste be lining the streets in 20 years time? Where will all the rubbish go? Trash, litter, rubbish, garbage, waste, refuse, junk, detritus...

25 Nov, 2014 | Sophia Vahdati
MOTELS IN LA PAZ OFFER UP A SPACE OF SEXUAL FREEDOM AND SECRECY FOR YOUNG PACEÑOS Photo: Valeria Wilde The door opens up into a hidden cave of treasures. I walk through a rounded tunnel; the c...

24 Dec, 2014 | Sophia Vahdati
In 2006, Michael Dunn had left Bolivia and was studying business in New York where he enrolled in a photography course. His life then changed its course as he quit his business career to pursue photo...

24 Feb, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
Be true of heart, persevere, and all your dreams shall come true.Damsels in distress will eventually be saved by rich, attractive gentlemen.Mother-in-laws are evil by their very nature. PHOTO: MI...

24 Dec, 2014 | Sophia Vahdati
Photo: Daniel Oros Alvaro Gumucio Li (Aka Gumo), a born and bred cochabambino, started his professional career as a photographer four years ago. He studied at the Instituto Eduarlo Lareda in...

The Many Colours of Carnaval
28 May, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
PHOTO: SZYMON KOCHANSKIOver 200 years old and officially one of UNESCO’s Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the Carnaval de Oruro, a tradition of hedonism and spectacle, rem...

El Chino Renegón
28 May, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
PHOTO: NICK SOMERSBehind a nameless, unimposing, wooden door on avenida Ecuador is the shabby and famous restaurant, ‘El Chino Renegón’. The name of the place is unofficial, gifted to this delicious T...

El Clásico
28 May, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
PHOTO: MICHAEL DUNN CACERESPapá Bolívar in our hearts and celestial blue passion running through our veins. The age-old rivalry fuels an ever unpredictable outcome. Win or lose, triumph or defeat—we a...

The Danish Invasion
28 May, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
PHOTO: JULES TUSSEAUDenmark and Bolivia are worlds apart, both geographically and culturally. Yet a Danish community is emerging in La Paz, made up of more than typical expats who have come to ‘find t...

Football and Food
28 May, 2015 | Sophia Vahdati
PHOTO: Sophia VahdatiWhat the stadium lacks in booze it makes up for in food. The spectacle of colours and fans sweating with passion would not be complete without the array of children, women, and me...

Parkour in La Paz
26 Mar, 2018 | Sophia Vahdati
Photo: Iván Rodriguez Petkovic The drive and philosophy of the city’s fearless tracersPrepare, run, jump, soar, reach, kick, grab knees and…’Ahhh!’: I smash face-first into the crashmat, emitting an e...

The evolution of NamasTé
26 Apr, 2018 | Sophia Vahdati
Photo: Iván RodriguezHealthy living by day, electronic fiesta by nightPaul Jove’s soft, measured voice rises over trance-like music as he explains the origin of the psychedelic artwork adorning the ba...

Coffee in the Veins
26 Apr, 2018 | Sophia Vahdati
Photo: Iván RodriguezTalking coffee with Mauricio Diez de Medina, the owner of Roaster coffee shopOver the past decade, the Bolivian coffee industry has transformed thanks to a dedicated group of infl...

DO NOT PASS GO - Do not collect two hundred bolivianos
24 Sep, 2013 | Sophia Vahdati
Sophia Vahdati visits San Pedro prison to learn that the games of life played by inmates are not all that different to those played on the outsideDescribing all this now makes it sound like a game of...